Why do Women Struggle with Mental Health?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Whether it’s from a friend, family member, trusted colleague or a professional, people are out there to help.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Whether it’s from a friend, family member, trusted colleague or a professional, people are out there to help.
It is absolutely normal to have days when you feel down and not excited about what lies ahead, especially in the deep cold of winter. However, if this feeling lasts for days at a time it may be time to reach out for help.
You may hear people joking that they “forgot how to socialize” or “how to dress in public”. These comments are funny, but also relatable. There is some truth in those statements that we all resonate with.
I think we can all agree that things haven’t been easy for awhile now. For some that has led to problems in their romantic relationships. While this is an unfortunate side effect of the pandemic, it doesn’t mean we have to just accept this as a sort of new normal.
According to the CDC, 8 out of 10 reported deaths attributed to COVID-19 have been among the population of older adults. This includes anyone ages 65 and up. Anyone in this age group watching the pandemic unfold may be experiencing anxiety about contracting the virus.
COVID-19 has thrown many family members into caregiving positions, possibly for the first time. In addition, it is forcing current caregivers to change how they handle their responsibilities.
Managers should be supporting employees in finding a healthy work-life balance, something that will likely be a struggle for many people, as these lines have been very much blurred throughout COVID-19.
Kids need a safe place to share feelings, vent, and release stress. If your kids are challenged by another summer that may not feel normal you can continue to connect with them by listening to their struggles. This increases a sense of support in difficult times.
As parents, we love our children and want the best for them, but we aren’t superhuman. Allow a professional to help them explore some of their feelings about COVID-19.
The amount of major life events they have missed out on is upsetting. On top of that, they haven’t been able to have regular interactions with their friends. The changes, transitions, and confusion has been overwhelming for all of us, especially our teens.
Feeling Safe
I feel safe at CFS. I know the staff is professional and understanding and that my thoughts and feelings will be heard and are valid.
Building Strength
My treatment at CFS has helped me find the ability to continue on through a horrible time. The office staff always greets me with a smile, that’s great.
Embrace New Ideas
It’s great to have someone to talk through my thoughts and feelings with — to get things out into the universe and have a neutral party help me learn how to process, try new things, embrace different ideas.
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