PTSD after storm

Living Life in Spite of PTSD

Your brain is doing what it is wired to do: protect you from life-threatening danger. The brain does a marvelous job helping your body to react quickly and know to fight, run, or freeze when needing to escape a threat. The trick is — how often are we in situations where we need to run for our lives? On a day-to-day basis, probably not very often.

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honoring our veterans

Honoring our Veterans while Recognizing their Struggle

There are some who love to talk about their time in uniform and appreciate every bit of recognition offered. Each veteran’s experience is unique. Please, remember that’s the case, and show genuine interest in the individual. That will mean as much or more than anything else.

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make lemonade out of lemons

Make Resilient Lemonade out of the Derecho

For all people, how we handle challenges has a lot to do with our ability to be resilient. Resiliency is like a rubber band, the more resilient you are, the springier your rubber band and the quicker you are able to rebound from a difficult event. As we continue to stretch our rubber band over and over as we go from pandemic to home schooling to natural disaster, the harder it has become for the rubber band to regain its original shape.

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