
Just Feeling Down? Or are You Suffering from Depression?

You may be reading this — now knowing that depression is not as rare as you once thought — and wonder “Do I have depression?” One of the most common misconceptions is the idea that in order to have depression a person must feel sad all of the time or cry frequently. While this can be a symptom of depression, it is certainly not the only one.

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My Decade-Long Narcolepsy Diagnosis

I began to fall asleep at inappropriate times. For instance, during class, on the bus, before dinner, after dinner, etc. As a result, my parents and I became more concerned. I eventually saw doctors and therapists to work on improving my sleep.

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How to Understand and Treat Dissociative Identity Disorder

When trauma happens, especially to a child, it is natural for them to envision it as happening to someone else. This is where dissociation comes in. The brain learns that when there is a negative feeling, thought, or event, it can cope by creating distance. Individuals with DID use this emotional and physical distance to get through traumatic experiences.

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How to Understand and Treat Autism

Research shows that early intervention can help tremendously. For instance, it improves learning, communication, and social skills. Individualized treatment is necessary to help each person’s specific needs. For instance, behavioral interventions, speech therapies, occupational therapies, medication, or a combination of methods may be needed.

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