Administrative Office

Seeking support for mental health is a very important and personal decision. Our team includes providers from many different backgrounds to help support your needs in the best way possible. Whether you are looking for mental health counseling for yourself or your child, help with medication, couples counseling, or family therapy — we’ve got you. From the first moment you pick up the phone or walk through our doors, we promise to treat you with empathy, compassion, and respect. 

Our Team

Each member of our team is dedicated to supporting the mental health of you and your loved ones.

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Request an Appointment

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Congratulations on taking this first step in achieving your goals. If you have never been seen by our office before, please complete the form below to schedule a time to set up your first appointment. If you are a current or past client, please send us a message or call 1-888-336-9661.

Monday thru Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

819 5th Street SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

Get Direction for Your Life!

Find inspiration on your path to mental wellness. Please note, these articles are not a replacement for personal medical advice.

Regulate your emotions and then engage in co-regulation with your teen from a place of curiosity and compassion.

When fighting fair, it is important to deal with hurt, pain and frustration in that moment. Try not to bring up anything from the past.

Many people come to art therapy because they feel stuck in their healing process and journey. Maybe talk therapy didn't work well for them. They feel like they have talked and reasoned, explained, and told their experiences and yet - they are not finding relief.