Pay My Bill

Connect with your therapist or prescriber, review your appointment history and information, and make payments through our secure web portal.

Patient Portal

Our Patient Portal powered by InSync is a secure web portal where you can connect with your therapist or nurse practitioner, make payments, review your appointment history and access your information to ensure we have your most accurate and up-to-date information on file.

Covenant Family Solutions

Accessing Your Account

To access your account, follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your username and password information. If you do not know your username, please check your email address that you provided to Covenant Family Solutions for an invitation link. 
  3. Navigate the portal to see your details, appointment history, make a payment, or review past statements.

If you did not receive the invitation email or need assistance, please call 1-888-336-9661.

Get Direction for Your Life!

Find inspiration on your path to mental wellness. Please note, these articles are not a replacement for personal medical advice.

Your brain is doing what it is wired to do: protect you from life-threatening danger. The brain does a marvelous job helping your body to react quickly and know to fight, run, or freeze when needing to escape a threat. The trick is — how often are we in situations where we need to run for our lives? On a day-to-day basis, probably not very often.

In our society, men are frequently taught to be strong and quiet. Often times, men worry that seeking help will be an indication of vulnerability. Suppressing your feelings can make mental health worse.

You may be reading this — now knowing that depression is not as rare as you once thought — and wonder "Do I have depression?" One of the most common misconceptions is the idea that in order to have depression a person must feel sad all of the time or cry frequently. While this can be a symptom of depression, it is certainly not the only one.