Curtis Long, DNP, PMHNP-BC, MBA


Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

"I am here for you and work will with you to get to the best place possible and will not discount your concerns and needs."

Curtis will be the first person to tell you that he is not the typical medical provider. For him, interactions with those he serves are not “appointments” or “assessments” but rather a conversation. He is a straight shooter and expects those in his care to be the same.

* Please Note: Only available during pre-scheduled appointment. To request an appointment with this provider, please go here

Doctorate of Nursing Practice, 2017
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Masters of Science in Nursing, 2000
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Masters in Business Administration, 1999
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Bachelors of Science in Nursing, 1995
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Curtis's Areas
of Expertise

Autism, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, Chronic and Severe Illness, Depression, Mood Disorders, PTSD, Psychosis, Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophrenia, Stress, Suicidal Thoughts

Offering Medication Management Services For

Teens & Adults

Get to Know Curtis

Selecting a mental health provider is a very personal decision. Learn a bit more about Curtis and what to expect when you or a loved one receive care with us at Covenant Family Solutions. Our mission is to unleash your potential.

All people deal with varying levels of mental health but some face more intense circumstances. As a mental health medication prescriber, Curtis Long, DNP, PMHNP-BC, MBA is dedicated to providing support to these individuals to help them unleash their potential.

Your Voice Makes the Difference

There is no simple blood test when it comes to determining the best mental health medication for each individual. Each person’s situation and experience is unique. Your voice and ability to share your symptoms in a calm environment is critical.

A key part of the process for Curtis is to listen to your questions and concerns from the first moment you meet and continually throughout treatment. He promises to be that provider who listens and works with you — not the one who simply tells the client what they need.

It’s a Conversation

Curtis will be the first person to tell you that he is not the typical medical provider. For him, interactions with those he serves are not “appointments” or “assessments” but rather a conversation. He is a straight shooter and expects those in his care to be the same. The more open you can be in sharing how you are feeling and what is happening, the easier it will be to reach your goals.

Tomorrow can be a better day

Curtis believes in you and your ability to work towards goals. Just because you may have struggled in the past and perhaps begun to lose hope in things improving, does not mean that getting better is impossible.

In fact, one of Curtis’s most rewarding experiences and fondest memories as a healthcare provider was being a part of helping an individual who had struggled with depression for 20 years finally see improvements with the right medication. Before they met, this person had all but given up on getting better. Curtis is excited for you to reach stability and enjoy life to its fullest!

A Teacher of Many Arts

Outside of providing mental healthcare, Curtis has long been a teacher. He is a former teacher and lecturer with The University of Iowa College of Nursing as well as Kirkwood Community College. At present, he is also martial arts and self defense instructor.

If you are ready to come to your own defense and work to overcome mental health adversaries in your way, please reach out to schedule an appointment with Curtis at our Iowa City Clinic.

Request an Appointment with Curtis

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Congratulations on taking this first step in achieving your goals. If you have never been seen by Curtis before, please complete the form below to schedule a time to set up your first appointment. If you are a current or past client, please send us a message or call 1-888-336-9661.

Monday thru Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

2346 Mormon Trek Blvd
Suite 1600
Iowa City, IA 52246

Get Direction for Your Life!

Find inspiration on your path to mental wellness. Please note, these articles are not a replacement for personal medical advice.

You may be faced with the question, “Does my child need medication for their mental health?” If your child is worried, sad, angry, or overwhelmed, encourage them to talk to a trusted adult. If they are struggling with things like regulating emotions, controlling anger, or focusing it may be a good idea to discuss it with a medical professional.

While we cannot change the past, it IS possible to stop the cycle of intergenerational trauma and prevent it in future generations. Community support and resources play an important role.

Your brain is doing what it is wired to do: protect you from life-threatening danger. The brain does a marvelous job helping your body to react quickly and know to fight, run, or freeze when needing to escape a threat. The trick is — how often are we in situations where we need to run for our lives? On a day-to-day basis, probably not very often.