Mental Health Medications and Holistic Lifestyles can Coexist
Mental health medications and a holistic lifestyle can’t just only coexist, the combination can be a game changer for mental health.
Mental health medications and a holistic lifestyle can’t just only coexist, the combination can be a game changer for mental health.
You may be faced with the question, “Does my child need medication for their mental health?” If your child is worried, sad, angry, or overwhelmed, encourage them to talk to a trusted adult. If they are struggling with things like regulating emotions, controlling anger, or focusing it may be a good idea to discuss it with a medical professional.
While we cannot change the past, it IS possible to stop the cycle of intergenerational trauma and prevent it in future generations. Community support and resources play an important role.
Your brain is doing what it is wired to do: protect you from life-threatening danger. The brain does a marvelous job helping your body to react quickly and know to fight, run, or freeze when needing to escape a threat. The trick is — how often are we in situations where we need to run for our lives? On a day-to-day basis, probably not very often.
In our society, men are frequently taught to be strong and quiet. Often times, men worry that seeking help will be an indication of vulnerability. Suppressing your feelings can make mental health worse.
You may be reading this — now knowing that depression is not as rare as you once thought — and wonder “Do I have depression?” One of the most common misconceptions is the idea that in order to have depression a person must feel sad all of the time or cry frequently. While this can be a symptom of depression, it is certainly not the only one.
Meltdowns, tantrums, defiance, or aggressive behavior can mask underlying feelings of anxiety. Typically when we see a child being defiant at home or school, our first thought might be, “that child is angry” and “they don’t like to follow rules.” Or we might say “that child is disrespectful.” But, underneath that anger or tantrum, are often feelings of overwhelming anxiety or worry.
If a mother’s anxiety goes untreated throughout her entire pregnancy, she is likely releasing high amounts of cortisol. Also known as the stress hormone. In turn, this affects her baby. Potential complications include prematurity and low birth weight.
How do you know if your child might have ADHD or if their behavior is typical, albeit a bit overly energetic? The answer is you don’t have to know. Parents and caregivers are not expected to know everything about their children.
When you are suffering from poor sleep hygiene, the impacts can be felt in every part of your life. It is much harder to manage emotions and think clearly when you are tired all the time.
Feeling Safe
I feel safe at CFS. I know the staff is professional and understanding and that my thoughts and feelings will be heard and are valid.
Building Strength
My treatment at CFS has helped me find the ability to continue on through a horrible time. The office staff always greets me with a smile, that’s great.
Embrace New Ideas
It’s great to have someone to talk through my thoughts and feelings with — to get things out into the universe and have a neutral party help me learn how to process, try new things, embrace different ideas.
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