Mental Health Tips

Taking the first step on your mental health journey can be tough. Read on for insight and tips provided by our licensed mental health professionals at Covenant Family Solutions. When you are ready to take that next step, please reach out to schedule an appointment. You’re worth it.

Get Direction for Your Life

Find inspiration on your path to mental wellness. Please note, these articles are not a replacement for personal medical advice.

Be part of the solution. Bullying behaviors have a wide-reaching impact on our children and social climate. It is imperative we support our students, no matter what role they play, in preventing, and intervening.

Telehealth allows you to receive treatment from anywhere and eliminates a lot of inconveniences. In addition, digital document management and signing systems can help you avoid spending large amounts of time completing forms.

A therapist can educate people on healthy relationship skills, including sex, because it is healthy! They can also help people identify, process, and challenge existing thoughts or beliefs about what is “normal”. In turn, this can improve intimacy and decrease feelings of embarrassment for patients and their partners.

Time after time, we hear those who are grieving say, “I should be over this by now.” While there is no time limit on grief, this is a common feeling to have. Loss and grief are two of the most challenging things to deal with in life, especially during the holiday season.

There are some who love to talk about their time in uniform and appreciate every bit of recognition offered. Each veteran’s experience is unique. Please, remember that’s the case, and show genuine interest in the individual. That will mean as much or more than anything else.

Meltdowns, tantrums, defiance, or aggressive behavior can mask underlying feelings of anxiety. Typically when we see a child being defiant at home or school, our first thought might be, “that child is angry” and “they don’t like to follow rules.” Or we might say “that child is disrespectful.” But, underneath that anger or tantrum, are often feelings of overwhelming anxiety or worry.

I didn’t think of myself as stressed. But when you lined up the pieces next to each other, it seemed obvious that there was a lot on my shoulders. Not to mention the extenuating circumstances of this year — Covid, an inland hurricane in Iowa, election season, and more.

Music therapy is a practice that uses research-based music interventions for non-musical goals. Music alone is therapeutic. It taps into the emotional centers of the brain, surfacing a variety of emotions depending on the music we are listening to.

Have you ever noticed that showing gratitude feels good? Practicing being grateful is linked with mental well-being, including increased self-esteem, better sleep, higher energy levels, increased optimism, decreased anxiety, and reduced depressive symptoms.

STOP listening to your inner critic. This is the voice that says, “you’re worthless,” “you’re fat,” “why can’t you be like other people?” Challenge these negative thoughts and STAND UP TO YOUR INNER CRITIC. When you recognize the inner critic, you can begin to challenge and defy the inner critic and see yourself for who you really are.

Not all repetitive thoughts are obsessions and not all repetitive behaviors are compulsions. Many people worry or have routines... A person with OCD can’t just stop what they are doing because they get tired of it or it’s time to leave. If their obsessive thought was that "stepping on a crack would break their mother’s back," they would continue to avoid all cracks in any surface walked on.

You may be reading this — now knowing that depression is not as rare as you once thought — and wonder "Do I have depression?" One of the most common misconceptions that I hear is the idea that in order to have depression a person must feel sad all of the time or cry frequently. While this can be a symptom of depression, it is certainly not the only one.

Answers to Your Questions

Covenant Family Solutions licensed mental healthcare providers are here to help. Do you have a mental health question that you would like the answer to? Send us a message! Want to watch more videos? Subscribe to our channel for updates.

A Gift for You!

Taking the first step in mental health can be difficult. Enter your name and email below to receive a FREE worksheet to help you take the first step. Learn how to identify negative core beliefs and ways to analyze and challenge these beliefs to be able to work towards changing them.

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Negative Core Beliefs