Mental Health Tips

Taking the first step on your mental health journey can be tough. Read on for insight and tips provided by our licensed mental health professionals at Covenant Family Solutions. When you are ready to take that next step, please reach out to schedule an appointment. You’re worth it.

Get Direction for Your Life

Find inspiration on your path to mental wellness. Please note, these articles are not a replacement for personal medical advice.

For all people, how we handle challenges has a lot to do with our ability to be resilient. Resiliency is like a rubber band, the more resilient you are, the springier your rubber band and the quicker you are able to rebound from a difficult event. As we continue to stretch our rubber band over and over as we go from pandemic to home schooling to natural disaster, the harder it has become for the rubber band to regain its original shape.

It is known that survivors of natural disasters have a 30 to 40 percent chance of suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One thing that can be done to counteract the long-term mental health effects of a disaster is to seek help early and to talk about the experience with professionals that are trained to help.

It's easy to feel lost or disconnected if you don't understand your identities. As people, we have a strong need to belong, and identities can lead to a higher sense of belonging. Exploring your identities can be hard. Having a safe and comfortable space to do that hard work is so important.

In celebration of World Breastfeeding Week and Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we invited local doula and breastfeeding educator Johanna Tomlinson PhD, MCPCD, M​​BE, MCE, ISE of Nested Mama to share some words of advice to mothers and expectant mothers about the breastfeeding journey.

We cannot overcome the challenge of perfectionism while suffering silently from the debilitating symptoms of mental illness. Take care of your mental health!

You may be in the process of deciding whether or not to send your kids to school in person or mentally preparing yourself for another round of virtual education. Trust that you will make the best decision you can for your children and your family.

Many times, parents get worn down when trying to implement something new or stay with something that isn’t a good fit simply because it is "easier." Everyone and every situation is unique, to say the least. Don’t despair.

Parents often say, “Therapy shouldn’t be fun. They should be coming in to work, not to play.” But that’s the beauty of play therapy — it can be fun, rewarding AND work.

What happened to you was not your fault and it does not define who you are. You are a person who is deserving and capable of love and friendship. There are people who care and want to support you on your journey as you recover from what happened to you.

There are many people with intense emotions who struggle with feeling lonely, misunderstood, and believe there is something wrong with them. If you feel this way, please consider reaching out for additional support and guidance. You deserve to enjoy life no matter your diagnosis.

If you have a bad cough or high fever you call your doctor and schedule an appointment. Right? Most likely, you would do so without thinking twice. So, why should you suffer in silence if you are an new or expecting mom and struggling with your mental health? You don't have to suffer or feel guilty or ashamed.

Calming nature sounds and views or even the silence of being outdoors creates a more peaceful environment. With less things calling our attention like school or work, your mind has a chance to relax. Being outdoors give us the opportunity to slow down and take a mental break from daily life.

Answers to Your Questions

Covenant Family Solutions licensed mental healthcare providers are here to help. Do you have a mental health question that you would like the answer to? Send us a message! Want to watch more videos? Subscribe to our channel for updates.

A Gift for You!

Taking the first step in mental health can be difficult. Enter your name and email below to receive a FREE worksheet to help you take the first step. Learn how to identify negative core beliefs and ways to analyze and challenge these beliefs to be able to work towards changing them.

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Negative Core Beliefs