Mental Health Tips

Taking the first step on your mental health journey can be tough. Read on for insight and tips provided by our licensed mental health professionals at Covenant Family Solutions. When you are ready to take that next step, please reach out to schedule an appointment. You’re worth it.

Get Direction for Your Life

Find inspiration on your path to mental wellness. Please note, these articles are not a replacement for personal medical advice.

Your brain is doing what it is wired to do: protect you from life-threatening danger. The brain does a marvelous job helping your body to react quickly and know to fight, run, or freeze when needing to escape a threat. The trick is — how often are we in situations where we need to run for our lives? On a day-to-day basis, probably not very often.

Your transgender child is not deciding what gender to be, they are sharing with you what their gender is. Your child did not decide this on a whim. Chances are they have known this from a very early age. Don’t allow your fears to drive your interactions.

As a healthcare worker you are familiar with high stress environments, anxiety provoking situations, and job performance pressure. But, you are still human and the current crisis is unlike anything we have ever faced before in our generation.

A huge developmental part of being a teen or moving into adulthood is focus on social engagement and fostering sense of independence or autonomy. Try to view things from your teen's perspective. Virtually overnight, they have gone from having the most freedom they have ever experienced to the least amount. This is hard!

Mental health and substance abuse struggles are common everywhere. It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are or where you live. We often hear from the media about consequences of these struggles and what children can expect in their futures. But, what we don’t hear enough of is the recovery and resiliency of children.

“It is perfectly normal for people to feel isolated and anxious in the current crisis,” states CFS CEO Dr. Jacob Christenson. “Covenant Family Solutions is grateful to be able to aid in the community response to help people navigate the mental health struggles they are facing during these uncertain times.”

We have an opportunity during this strange time to paint a new picture of what coping with stress looks like for children in foster care who are often the victims of trauma, abuse, and neglect.

Today, you and many others, are likely telecommuting to work and seeing you family more in one week than perhaps you had in the previous year. If you are in a committed romantic relationship, then this time of self-quarantining has some important considerations.

Healthcare workers need a safe space to talk through their feelings and the toll this pandemic has taken on their mental health. These are the people who have held the hands and hearts of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and their families.

Caregiving is one of the most challenging roles even under regular circumstances. You do not need to be everything to everyone, and there will be times you feel overwhelmed. Try to take a step back and focus on the big picture. You are doing your best and your best may be different day to day, or even minute by minute.

Check in with your children and ask them how they are doing. Children often show us through behaviors, rather than words, when they are struggling. While this can range from isolating behaviors to acting out, children may just be feeling more anxious. Try to find a quiet time to connect one-on-one and ask how your child is doing and what they might need.

Telehealth is extremely convenient and may help patients to feel private and more comfortable in sessions. Hooray, no more awkward feelings about bumping into your neighbor in the waiting room! Telehealth also allows patients in rural and underserved areas to see a provider without an hour or more drive.

Answers to Your Questions

Covenant Family Solutions licensed mental healthcare providers are here to help. Do you have a mental health question that you would like the answer to? Send us a message! Want to watch more videos? Subscribe to our channel for updates.

A Gift for You!

Taking the first step in mental health can be difficult. Enter your name and email below to receive a FREE worksheet to help you take the first step. Learn how to identify negative core beliefs and ways to analyze and challenge these beliefs to be able to work towards changing them.

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Negative Core Beliefs