Ready to Serve You

Each member of our team is dedicated to supporting mental health in our community and beyond. Core to our mission is eliminating the stigma that surrounds mental illness and providing the tools that help strengthen lives.

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Find inspiration on your path to mental wellness. Please note, these articles are not a replacement for personal medical advice.

Meltdowns, tantrums, defiance, or aggressive behavior can mask underlying feelings of anxiety. Typically when we see a child being defiant at home or school, our first thought might be, “that child is angry” and “they don’t like to follow rules.” Or we might say “that child is disrespectful.” But, underneath that anger or tantrum, are often feelings of overwhelming anxiety or worry.

If a mother's anxiety goes untreated throughout her entire pregnancy, she is likely releasing high amounts of cortisol. Also known as the stress hormone. In turn, this affects her baby. Potential complications include prematurity and low birth weight.

How do you know if your child might have ADHD or if their behavior is typical, albeit a bit overly energetic? The answer is you don’t have to know. Parents and caregivers are not expected to know everything about their children.